Sunday, February 25, 2007

brunch @top deck

a very enjoyable sunday... big family gathering to celebrate the birthdays of two of my aunts... we gathered at the top deck of the jumbo kingdom for a very nice brunch buffet under the fine weather... top deck is a restaurant of the cafe deco group... food was fine... we got a private area, unlimited champagne and 20% discount!!! alas...

initially we came out pretending to take pictures...
in fact we're signing birthday cards...

my parents in the bigbig chair

getting a bit drunk by this time...

now that i have a new laptop i can upload more photos... and more here...

then i brought our wii and played with my family in the evening... i think the new nintendo has successfully made everyone happy... even those "adults" who don't play often found it fun... and we all worked out as much as we do for a whole year...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

post cny

what a busy week... suddenly have plenty to do...

my mini boss (ie THE super nice senior) is on leave this week... so i had to ward round with the big boss every day... scary... no more stupid questions asked and made most management decisons myself... i swapped duty with my partner and i have no idea how to handle the sleep studies and complicated TB treatments...

am doing resp topic presentation next month, ie soon... got no time to search for papers... i got a very difficult topic... diagnosis of VAP... where my predecessors worked on topics like pneumothorax and empyema... so sad... am gonna start quickly or i'm going to make it a mess again...

what's more... now that my italy dream trip is finally feasible so i have to start planning it... loads to do... am very excited though... not to mention i need to prepare for mrcp part 2 as well... bearing in mind how lost i was when i was so under-prepared for part 1... i must get myself started early part 2...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


i planned to write about another stormy call day i had last night... but it's not important anymore... becoz i just learnt that i passed my part one... o my goodness... i cannot believe it... this is one of my most stressed exam... although i know those ahead will be harder... the stress i had this time has indeed been enormous... the palpitation nearly drove me into heart failure... am truly truly grateful to god who listens to my prayer and to all my luved ones... i promise i will throw away i-cable since it's connection is so slow even with the new laptop i wasn't able to load that very page... in a flash the world has changed to a much much beautiful place... my post-call lethargy vanished... and i'm one step closer to my italy dream trip... i hope my mates do well, too...

Friday, February 16, 2007

silver ying injury

the silver ying was injured yesterday...

the rear bumper was knocked down by the front bumper of a big trunk... it was towed to repair... the poor silver ying has to spend the cyn in "hospital"... it's injury has caused a big traffic jam near the cross harbour tunnel... haha... yingyingbird would be cursed by hundreds of people yesterday... nono...

Monday, February 12, 2007


we bought it yesterday... had super-duper fun playing...
it's been some time since i engaged in any physical activity... though i only played tennis in the air... my arm sores today... haha... can't wait to play it again...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

sweet sweet chung

weekend again, the coming week is big... becoz it's st. valentine's day plus pre-lunar new year +/- release of mrcp results... my mood is about to take a rollercoaster ride...

since i'll be on call on the very romantic night, i'm not going to celebrate it this year... momochung is very sweet... one day i was doing my ward round when i received a phone call from him... you know how much i care about him... usually he only calls if something has happened... i was a bit worried as i picked up the phone and guess what... he asked me to prepare his little st. valentine's day surprise for his girlfriend... how sweet... it's not the first time he made his sister to prepare something for his girlfriend since he, being a student, is so much much more busy than his sister, who is a doctor!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

very very malaise

am still pretty excited about the new computer... people who know me would know i ain't a technology freak... but the fact that i have an extra piece of nice and modern looking gadget is just good enough to cheer me up... have been working till late night for the journal club today... thanks to my new toy for keeping my eyes open...

now that journal club is done... the next presentation is yet to come... my part one result pending... plus only 4.5 calls this month... it's the perfect time (though short) for me to do what i really love to do without any "guilt-feeling"... the kind of life that i always adore... it's quite sad since there're only very limited weeks each year that i'm really stress- and hassle-free...

it is all wrong... it is wrong that i need to long for happy times to come... i should be turning all my days into hassle-free days by better prepare for each "stressor tasks" well in advance... if i had prepared for the journal club earlier then i wouldn't have to go through the stress in the past few days... but in reality there're so many many things to do and yet i ain't efficient enough to have it all completed without hassle... sigh...

another happy bit is i am enjoying my time in the respiratory team... did i mention i have a super nice senior??? i describe him as kind as an angel... he's always ready to help out and teach and i never feel uneasy to seek his help... remember i mentioned the terrible phenomenon of all nice male doctors pair with nurses? he, unfortunately, is an example...

there's a (typical) old lady admitted for shortness of breath together with a dozen nonspecific symptoms and complained about this and that for half an hour... so my senior put down in his notes... numbness, very dizzy, very very malaise... "very very malaise"... i love this... i could feel how poor this patient (and the doctor) are from three simple words... must be very very malaise.... hahaha...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

new toy

bought a new laptop today, finally... the old one was used for six long years... it's a VAIO... am very happy... i saved 5000 dollars by giving up the slimmer one... it's quite pretty still... think i got it at a reasonable price... and i got an extra 512MB RAM for free... and a wireless mouse... plus upgrade to vista... good...