Wednesday, May 20, 2009

have u missed me?


this is one of my favourite questions... my way of saying hi... i mentioned it in one of my earliest posts... and my habit remains... people around me have stereotypic answers to my stereotypic question...

yingyingbird says, no bor...
fei says, why're u always asking???
rabbitbit says, a little la... (which actually means no...)
funfun says, hahahaaa...

there's one person who'd always say "yes of course" and truly meant it... i knew she missed me more than i did... then i'd hold her hands and tell her... i miss u, too...

Saturday, May 16, 2009


warm & shaded

memories can be unbelivably euphoric,
they can be equally dreadful...
merry moments are painful at times,
so are sorrow moments sweet...
the present echoes with the past
as it forms our future memories...

you are always on my mind...