Wednesday, December 17, 2008

missing u

recently a colleague of mine has decided to leave our department to take a step forward in his career... i congratulate him in making this bold move... on the other hand am a bit depressed knowing his decision... i gonna miss him loads... there're few angels in my workplace and surely he's one... he's probably part of the reason i like my hospital and is definitely a reason why i picked renal medicine... he's the yes-man & never hesitate to teach me the absolute idiot... life is much easier when he sits next to me in the clinic... thanks to his continuous persuasion over the years, i finally have the courage to do renal... yet he'll leave the team on the day i start my training... this is indeed the greatest pity of the year... there's no doubt i like renal medicine but it's gonna be different without him in the team... apparently the boss isn't very fond of his idea... i feel sorry for him having to go through the stress as he's moving up the ladder...
