Thursday, November 30, 2006

compensatory leave

i knew i shouldn't mention about luck when i was writing the last post... now i regret... i was punished yesterday... i started ward round early because i had many patients... then the ID clinic didn't end until 2pm... when i was seeing my last patient and was preparing to attend free lunch meeting, i was told a patient suddenly arrested... resuscitation for one hour... then senior round... then typed more discharge summary... saw some family... attended the new cases at 5 when they actually came at noon... and didn't manage to leave until 7pm... it's too much for me... please don't happen again...

took compensatory leave today... i'm only allowed to take CO on a non-clinic day... so cruel... anyway i enjoyed my day by waking up late... filling the tanks of the golden and blue yings (i thought the 80 cents off per litre offer ends today, i was just told esso extend the offer by 1 month, cool...) nice coffee and reading in starbucks... happy... i need more holiday...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

a matter of luck

did i mention i got this golden "windmill" (i.e. fan-bladed wheel) from che kung temple as the prize for being the darkest MO... it's now sitting in my drawer... i dare not "display" it in my office since it looks really odd and more importantly i've never agreed that i'm the darkest MO...

perhaps it really works... the call days over the past two weeks has been quite okay... few days before i got the windmill, my colleague bought me a cutie eeyore from disneyland when he went outing with our respiratory team patients (look out department is such a nice one)... since then i kept the eeyore with me whenever i'm on-call... now i have problem in differentiating which, windmill or eeyore, has changed my luck...

apparently their guardian effect go away when i'm off call... i got a traffic ticket on my way home today... i was cutting line at the juction between the dashed line and solid line ... and i was caught by the police and was "chased" by them for a few meters... i was even asked to stop through their microphone... o my goodness... i've only seen that in tv... i've always been good and never thought that'd happen to me... very very sad... for the first time my points will be deducted... and i've got to pay $450...

tien yi restaurant

celebrated parents anniversary in the recently-opened tien yi restaurant at the peak... stylish decoration plus fine food and nice view... very much my cup of tea... feels pretty london... pity didn't bring the camera... not as expensive as i expected... defintely worth going...

Friday, November 17, 2006

the darkest MO

back from department dinner... start to feel i entered a nice department... actually everyone is very nice here... i cannot believe i was elected the "darkest MO" by the interns... dark not meaning my complexion (which i have no objection)... but my luck... well i may not be a very lucky person... but i don't think i'm the darkest wor... anyways... am too honored to be elected since i'm such a tiny resident...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

off drip

i had a patient who was intubated and had a history of self extubation the day before... yesterday i put down "off drip" in the management sheet... as a consequence, the whole angiocath was removed, together with the sedative infusion... naturally the patient became very agitated and re-self-extubated again... he had a grade three larynx plus history of repeated intubation so i had to invite the anaesthetist to re-reintubate him on 2 consecutive days...

i learnt a lesson... and i'll never write off drip again... we thought black and white is clearer than verbal communications but it's not always true... haha... perhaps we should all make verbal orders only and perhaps the nurses should follow our ward rounds and take notes of all the management orders...

it's partly my fault because i didn't put it down clearly... but i did a little survey and 6 out of 6 doctors consider off drip means the plain drip only... plus the nurse can always page me to confirm... i thought that's their strength...

no offense... but i think sensible if not smart nurses are really really essential for up-to-standard if not outstanding patient be honest i see the patients for only few mintues a day while you take care of them for hours... some nurses are very good and pick up the real important bits... some others just beep us and inform us of all the abnormal readings and thought they did a good job...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ipod nano

i'm so happy... i got an ipod nano as a late birthday gift last week... apple green with my name printed on it!!! since i always live without music i have never thought of getting an ipod... what a nice surprise... ha... thanks to my dear buddy, you just know me too well...

Monday, November 06, 2006


had another bad call last night... okay it's only a little bad, not super bad... whenever i'm on call MO2 (ie sleep time midnight to 4am) i get to start working by 4.30, whereas others usually sleep till 5 or 6... last night a patient self extubated at 4.10... self extubation is a good thing for the case doctor... it saves the trouble of weaning the ventilator, provided the patient does not require reintubation, but not at four...

since then people keep coming in... a patient was found decreased GC by OHA staff at 4am... what kind of GC do you expect at 4am??? another admitted for 1 week history coryzal symptoms and chest discomfort... didn't see an doctor and decided to go to A&E at 5am, i almost yelled at her... at six i got an intubated patient... then an urgent consultation from surgical... i begin to admit that my luck for call times isn't too good... sigh... again it's not super bad though...

i fell deeply asleep within 5 mins after i reached home... gonna work again mane... no weekend... no rest...

Friday, November 03, 2006

qingdao trip

back from qingdao trip... a small nice coastal city in mainland... tourist city with those long beaches... pretty impressive in china... actually there's nothing much there... just spent the weekend around taking pictures and had some seafood... doesn't matter where i go... the fact that i took a flight and i was away from town with rabbit and i went on a trip without taking a day off was fascinating... pictures to be posted later...