Saturday, March 13, 2010

bigtail on her skis

still quite cold

stepping into the third month of 2010, this blog has already been left idle for a quarter of a year!

my honeymoon period in training has passed & work has been very busy... am a lazy trainee and i have a demanding boss... i have quite a few last-minute tasks to complete... it was the recent refreshing ski holiday in niseko that reminded of my @pinepinetree haha...

rabbitbit was searching for "bigbigtail" in google when we were bored in the apartment, then i reckoned i had a near-abandoned blog...

like all other holidays, the trip was great... somehow i think theme holidays (this is our second hols of this kind, after the phuket golf trip) fit rbb & i very well, easy & relaxing... and we can indulge into whatever we love (perfect for rbb's character!), hazzle free...

niseko is a paradise, entering its low season, it's a quiet holiday village... everything's visitor-friendly, we didn't have to scratch our heads for good dining places... it wouldn't be perfect without our luxurious apartment (my very proud choice) and great companions (funfun is prolly not reading this, but i enjoyed the trip with the very sweet couple)... it's a little funny to see the 2 pairs... it's kinda natural for me to compare... or i'd put it as my observation... they literally stick together all the time & lady funfun is a very sweet gal... while rbb & i are like old couples, we never enter & leave our bedroom together... sometimes i kinda miss those sweet days early in a relationship, but i do treasure the "vintage" of love that didn't come about easily...

i had one fascinating meal in niseko and couldn't resist recalling that evening... food at kamimura was splendid! i truly appreciate the chef who cooks with heart... it's expensive but i think is worth... frankly have tried various not-so-cheap meals and only very very few is up to standard, not to mention satisfying... hopefully, my memory do not overate the experience (happens all the time!) & my next visit can remain as good...

the only pity about the trip was my skill... it's my second ski trip it took me 4 days out of 5 to catch up to my previous level (which literally mean i started the whole thing from square one)... by the time i was a little comfortable with the skis, i'm already quite fatigue & it was time to go home... frankly i don't think i love the sport as much as i thought... have a little problem with balancing here... perhaps i'll love it more if i handle it better... need a another trip to consolidate my skills...
