Wednesday, March 09, 2005

u're not alone

we finished the written bits today... everyone's kinda happy for a break... it's good to have all my friends together for a nice long lunch... felt so warm... it's half done now... i'm not relieved though... this half took too long... and what to come is more difficult...

last night, instead of doing what i should be doing, ie, revision... i spent some time surfing around my classmates' blogs... hee... there're a dozen of them...

similar lines appeared in these blogs, i saw between the lines stress and fear and courage... like everyone thinks he did terribly in some papers and okay in some others... like everyone is begging god for a pass, and just a pass... that's very understandable... i'm not at all surprised, but i'm truly moved...

sometimes i dont think of final mb as such a big thing in life... okay, it's big, it's not huge... now i see how distressing it is... distress enough to turn everyone into soulless pieces of flesh... i'm not very close to some of these classmates, what they post did touch me... i feel accompanied... i know i'm not alone... if u think u did terrible, it's okay, u're not alone... coz everyone did as bad...

p.s. never use ctrl+C to copy your post in blogger!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wowowow ...half done ...almost there =) !!!

10/3/05 03:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mbbs is nuts.

10/3/05 20:25  

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