Tuesday, October 11, 2005

some facts

new rotation... new working environment... new routines... new colleagues... new rules... and more rules... and plenty of rules... why does this hospital have so many many rules??? why do they have so many many papers to print a warning letter for everything??? why should interns attend workshops on their days off??? why do they need 5 ml blood when a test can be done with 2 ml??? why do they hire expensive and inexperience interns to do jobs of a clerk??? the HCE and COS hardly walk into a ward to see for themselves what should be done by whom...

i just came into this little conclusion... no matter where i go... i'll meet nice ppl, bad ppl... reasonable seniors, reasoningless seniors... wise minds, brainless minds... good nurses, b*tch nurses... i guess that's life... and it happens everywhere...

i think it's time to learn to ignore ppl who're worth ignored... and keep myself happy... and be conscientious... do and do only what should be done... and remind myself about all these facts...


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