Friday, May 18, 2007

i don't think i can

i luved this ad when i first saw it in perth... i've always wanted to post it... and i just figured out how... it just hit me harder when i'm now working in respiratory team... i dunno how to say... i used to get quite upset at some of my best friends but i've given up long ago... i really see how devastating it can be... there's something which makes life of a chest doctor easier than the cardiologists and haematologists... many of them & families know why their lives ended up the way they ended up... so i don't needa answer the why question... well it's difficult to convince those who don't see what i see every day... i always say the resp & ventilator ward should be opened for public to see... of course this is unfair to the patients... u see what i mean... perhaps my english is not good enough to put it into words... how terrible it is.. and how preventable this is... and i can say no one ended up on LTOT would have chosen it if they're given a second chance... it's not like you die after a bungee jump... because the suffering is so long and debilitating... this is so real... it's hard for them to learn it's a cancer... it's hard for me to say it's inoperable, too...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

may I copy it? I love the LTOT part really.

19/5/07 23:59  
Blogger kewa said...

please, by all means...

20/5/07 13:50  

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