Tuesday, August 09, 2005

a painless way to die

now panadol is one of the most popular analgesics (i.e. painkiller)... perhaps it treats millions of tension headache a day, pretty effective... and then it's cheap, only a dollar a tablet... however, it's not a very good idea to try kill oneself by taking dozens of tablets of panadol... actually the more one takes, the more pain one suffers before one's heart stops...

there're people who dont' intend to die but like to threaten their boyfriends by harming themselves... so panadol is the drug that can be quite conveniently obtained over the counter and it's commonly used... it's probably harmless like vitamin... they take some 40 tabs... and then they really threaten their men, not by the act of suicide but the stale-lemon-colored-face when their livers fail...

there're people who really intend to die... they thought panadol is clean, painfree and odourless... probably better than burning charcoal or jump from height... plus it costs only $50 for 60 tabs... so they take the tablets, go to bed... then they're taken to hospital, fed charcoal and wake up... they think they're okay and plan home... some 40 hours later, their tummy start aching, followed by face turn yellow... legs swell... of course in the end they die, slowly and painfully...


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